Zoe Myers Interview
Feb. 09

Brought to you by: Put Me In The Picture Promotions
Do not use without permission

Introduce yourself: Hello!!! I'm Zoe Myers :)

How did you get started? I started dancing when I was 2, then got into musical theatre. I knew all I wanted to do was perform!

Who are some of your influences? I love all kinds of music and can usually find inspiration in almost anything... right now I listen to a lot of Taylor Swift, Damone, Parmore, Verona Grove, Boys Like Girls, etc!

Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to share? I am currently writing more songs and hope to record them very soon! Then we will plan lots of shows!

If you could play a show with anyone, who would you choose and why? Taylor Swift...I think we have a lot in common and would get along very well. We both love to have fun on stage!

What is something you would like to accomplish in the industry? As much as possible! But I really just want to share my music with people and be a good role model. I'd also love to travel all over the world on tour some day!

What is your fav. song to perform? Right now, "All Out of Love" because it's so upbeat and fun!
Do you write your own material? I write a lot of my lyrics. "Robot Boy" and "Mirror" I wrote with SongFactory Productions. 

If so, which is easier to come up with..the music or lyrics? or is it different with each song? I LOVE writing lyrics, it's like therapy to me haha! I just write out my emotions. 

What has been the most memorable moment of your career so far? My first concert with my band... that was when I realized, 'okay I can do this, I love this, I'm actually having FUN up here!' Another amazing moment was when I went to the Ronald McDonald House to hangout with the kids, and when I showed them my music videos they were smiling, singing along, and tapping their feet. That was so incredible, seeing how music can touch someone like that.

What was the very first concert you remember attending? N Sync!!! haha!

Message to your friends/fans: THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!! You are so amazing and you are what keeps me going! I love reading comments and stuff from you, it means so much to me!

Put Me In The Picture Promotions