Ryne Sanborn Interview

October 2008

Property of Put Me In The Picture Promotions (Please do not take/use without permission)


- Can you introduce yourself - I am Ryne Sanborn 19 years old born and raised in SLC , Utah

-How long have you been acting? How did you get started? I've been acting since I was 7 and been modeling since I was 2. My agency accidentally sent me on an acting audition when I was 7 and I actually landed the job so kept on doing local acting in SLC.

-What was your very first acting job? A National GMC Commercial

-Who are some of your influences? Tom Cruise, Robert Deniro and Al Pacino

-How did you feel when you found out that you were cast as Jason Cross in the (now) very popular High School Musical movies? At the time it wasn't popular and we had no idea it would be such an amazing hit but I was thrilled to be woeking with Kenny Ortega again because I had worked with him in the 2002 Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Olympics.

-Out of all 3 of the HSM movies, which was your favorite to film and why? HSM3 because it was for the Big Picture and the dances were so much more detailed. The sets and costumes were also amazing!

-Do you have a fav. song from any of the movies? Scream from HSM3

-What was the hardest scene to shoot from each HSM movie? All the dances because I learned to dance on HSM1. I had never dnaced before that professionally just for fun at school dances.

-Any embarrassing moments/pranks on set you'd like to share? In HSM3 Zac, Corbin, Chris and I did a hysterical Stayin Alive dance in the middle of a scene and Kenny died laughing!

-For someone who may not know much about HSM, can you tell us a bit about the character, Jason, that you play? He's the fun loving jock that doesn't always know exactly what's going on around him and the Comic relief

-High School Music 3: Senior Year is set to release in theaters in late October 2008, are you excited that this one is going to be in theaters? Oh Yeah, it's amazing

-Who is someone that you would really like to get the chance to work with in the future? I'd love to play Tom Cruises new trainee in a Mission Impossible 4 movie

-Currently you play with the All Stars Hockey League, can you tell us a bit about it? We play monthly games in different cites across the US to raise money for various charities. The team consists of some celebrities and retired NHL players. It's like a dream getting to play with these amazing athletes

-How did you get involved with the league? My Mom had heard about the league and asked my publicist to see if there was any way I could get involved.

-Any upcoming projects that you would like to share with the readers?
Nothing confirmed at the momen,t but working on a few.

**Fun Questions**
-If you were to win the lottery, what is the first thing you would do with the money? Buy my Mom a new house with a giant kitchen because she likes to cook Italian and have over all our friends.

-Celebrity Crush? Hayden Panettiere

-Favorite song on the radio right now? Too many

-What are some of your all time favorite movies? Top Gun and The new Batman

-Message to your fans: Thanks for all your support you are the greatest!! always Believe in yourself!

Put Me In The Picture Promotions