Raposo Interview

November 2008

Property of Put Me In The Picture Promotions (Do Not Take/Use without permission)





-Introduce yourself
Hey I'm Greg Raposo and I'm 23, from New York.

-Who are some of your influences?
Nirvana, Story Of the Year, Acceptance, and Muse

-How did Raposo get its start?
Raposo got it's start when I no longer wanted to be a solo artist and
realized my band was not just about me but rather all of us
collectively making up the band Raposo.

-Most memorable moment in your career so far?
I have many memorable moments but one of my favorites to date would
have to be when we rocked The Nassau Colliseum during WBLI's Winter Jam.

-Who is someone you would love to play a show with/tour with?
I would love to tour with a band of cool guys who likes to party and
has the same target demographic as us.  Maybe All-American Rejects or
someone like that.

-What is your favorite song to perform?
I don't have a favorite song to perform but I do enjoy performing the
crowds favorites because it really makes a huge difference when you
play what they want to hear.

-Do you have an upcoming tour plans?
We do but everything is still up in the air.  We are working towards
putting a tour together for this January and maybe another trip to
Costa Rica for the end of Febuary.

-Are you guys working on album?
We are doing a lot of writing and we have tons of new material that we
would love to record but we don't have the budget for that right now.

-Any extremely memorable fan encounters?
It's always memorable when a fan sneaks up from behind you and jams her
thumb up your ass.

-What is something you would like to accomplish in your career?
I would love to accomplish a world tour.

-Greg, you recently became part of theonelove.org, do you care to share
with the readers the charity that you're supporting?

I am supporting my sisters charity called Baby's First Home.  http://www.theonelove.org/gregraposo

-Lastly, do you have a message to your fans and the readers?
Thanks to everyone who has been involved in taking this long journey
with us and we still have an even longer way to go so hold on and let's
keep moving.

Put Me In The Picture Promotions