Meaghan Martin Interview

April 2008

Property of Put Me In The Picture Promotions (Please do not take/use without permission)


Can you introduce yourself to the readers? Hi! My name is Meaghan Martin.. sometimes I add the "Jette" in the middle if I'm not feeling lazy. =P

When did you begin your acting career? I begain acting professionally at the age of 5. However, it wasn't anything too serious, I just had a lot of fun participating in Barbie and Cabbage Patch Kids commercials.

Singing seems to be an interest, do you plan to pursue singing more in the future? Yessss! I love singing and I'm working on putting an album out right now. It's in the early stages, so don't expect anything too big too soon, but I'm having lots of fun exploring different styles!

You were on episode of The Suite life of Zack and Cody-how excited were you to land the role? I was so pumped. I've always been a big Disney Channel fan, and I mean that hahahaha. It was wayyy exciting.

You just had the opportunity to film the upcoming disney movie Camp Rock-Can you tell us a bit about the movie from your point of view?
I think Camp Rock is not what a lot of people expect it to be. It's a new kind of movie for Disney Channel, although they are quite familiar with musicals as we all know, it has a different vibe. I think it has an excellent plot that a lot of people can relate to. Not to mention we all have great chemistry on screen because we developed such strong friendships.

What was your favorite part about filming? Whether it was something that happened on set or in the movie.
I loved working with the cast and crew. I can't emphasize enough what an amazing group of people they all were. Everybody worked together wonderfully and it was so easy to play off of one another in the scenes.

The ever so popular question-What was it like for you to work with Kevin, Nick and Joe? Ohhhh those Jonas boys. ;-]. They're really great guys, true gentlemen. I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with them and being able to work with all three of them!! They're INCREDIBLY talented and they have such a passion for what they do.

We've heard some talk of a premier event for the movie, have you heard anything that you may be able to share? Hmm.. I do know some details but I'm not so sure I'm allowed to spill yet.. SORRY! I wish I could. As soon as I'm allowed to I will definitely let everyone know.

Are you currently working on any upcoming projects? I'm working a lot on my music so that's taking up a lot of time and I'm getting ready to leave for Florida to be a host of the Disney Channel Games! I'm super pumped for that, I've heard it's massive amounts of fun!!

Since it's still pretty early in the year, what is one of your goals for 2008?
My goal is to continue doing what I love and pursuing my passions. I hope to inspire others to do the same!

Put Me In The Picture Promotions