Kimberly Caldwell Interview

Oct. 006

What made you go to the American Idol Auditions?


I've been singing since I was 5 years old and, at the age of 15, after doing a show in Branson, Missouri, for three years that was six days a week, 2 shows a day, I took a break from performing to be a "normal" kid and just go to high school.   I always knew that I would go back to singing and performing because it was what I loved to do and what I was good at but I was at a point in my life where I didn't quite know how to get back into it.  Then, after watching parts of Season 1, we found out that there were auditions being held in Austin for the second season, so I packed my bags and headed for Austin on gas money that my Grandma gave me.

What went through your mind when you made it into the top 24?


Actually, there was a top 32 on season 2.   Three groups of us waited in different rooms to find out if we were in the top 32, and we heard screams in the hallway, so we knew that one of the rooms had already been told they were going through to the next round.  We were all really nervous, but I was comforted by the fact that Ruben and Frenchie were in the same room as me!  But, believe me, it was such a relief and a huge rush when the judges came in and made it official!


We've heard a lot of contestants mention having to deal with Simon Cowells constant attitude-did you ever have a problem with him on the show?


Simon is Simon.  I don't think that Simon was ever horribly brutal with me, but anytime he did give me criticism I tried to take it constructively and use it to benefit my next performance.

Were you disappointed when you were eliminated or do you feel you were lucky enough to have gotten as far as you did in the competition?


I was disappointed when I was eliminated because the next week was Diane Warren week and I really wanted to sing Cher's "If I Could Turn Back Time."   But, fortunately, after the show, I was lucky enough to start working on my album with Diane and still continue to work with her to this day.


How was touring on the American Idol tour?


Touring was the BEST part of the whole American Idol experience.  We finally all got to be together…no competition and no judges… just screaming, crazy fans and good times!


What is it like working on the TV Guide channel on the shows Reality Chat and Idol Tonight?


I think that it is the best "day job" in the world!  I get paid to have fun while still being able to pursue my singing career.


You are currently working on an album with Randy Jackson and Diane Warren-do you have a tentative release date for that?


Unfortunately, we don't have a set date yet.  We're still in the process of finishing up in the studio.

What was it like working with such a well known name as Diana Warren?


Diane and I got along fabulously right off the bat.  She is an inspiration for all women and one of the most talented people I know!


Were you excited to rerecord your rendition of "Who will you run to" Heart's 1987 hit and then release it as a single?


It's really funny, the whole story behind that.  A long time ago, when I first started working with Diane Warren, who wrote the song, my Mom said that she thought it would be a great song for me to record.   Then, when I met my manager, Anthony Cordova, it was one of his first ideas.  And then, randomly, I received a fan letter suggesting the same thing.  So, I felt like that was a big enough sign for me to put 100% into it.  Plus, I'm a HUGE fan of Ann Wilson!

What made you decide to settle with the country genre? Instead of a pop/rock genre? Knowing both have experienced such great American Idol Talent as Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood.


I wouldn't say that I'm excluding the rock genre because I definitely consider myself a country/rock artist.  I grew up singing and loving country music, but at the same time, rock has had a big influence on the artist that I have become.


P.S.  HUGE Kelly Clarkson fan!!


If you could tour with anyone right now who would it be?


Rascal Flatts!  I adore their music and like them personally.  I've had the opportunity to interview them a couple of times and they're seriously great guys!


Is there anything in the business that you would like to accomplish or are you happy with what you already have?


There's ALOT more that I want to accomplish!  Obviously, I want to finish the album and get distribution and then go ON TOUR, make a music video, and pursue acting more.



Message for your fans?


Thank you to all of my wonderful fans for being so patient….so loyal… and for being the best fans in the whole world!  They inspire me every day!

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