Giovanni Spina Interview

August 2008

Can you introduce yourself.
Hey I'm Giovanni Spina, I am an actor, singer, songwriter, producer; basically an all around artist (not to be confused with a visual artist because I can't draw for beans, maybe carrots but not beans). I liked to think of myself as organized but not stressed, I like long walks on the beach, (joking, except walking on the beach is great) I enjoy listening to and singing R&B, pop, soul and whatever inspires me. I knew I wanted to entertain when I was really young and I have been pursuing my dream through training up to this point.

-How did you react when you found out you got cast in the movie Camp Rock?
I was surprised, as I said before most of my focus was on training. There is, of course, no better training then doing the real thing, but before Camp Rock I was not actively pursuing a career. So this was a major shock, and the largest shock was that the role was a lot more involved than what I first thought it would be.

-describe your character, Andy from Camp Rock. Are you anything like your character?
My character Andy is an energetic and rhythmic guy. He's always hitting something (even his butt on the floor), this rhythm inside him comes out through his hands and he's not afraid to show it. He is however lacking in rhythm below the waist, he has two left feet which keep him from dancing. This doesn't however stop him from taking a hip-hop class with Shane Grey and trying to improve something that has been holding him back. There are many ways which I'm like Andy and ways that I'm not. I am energetic and I like to consider myself rhythmic but I don't think I would be banging around wherever without a care; Andy is the kind of guy who hits things with his drumsticks before he thinks. I am a little more cautious, I would like to think of what property I may potentially damage before I do anything. I'm not an amazing dancer, a lot of the other cast members were really talented dancers with extensive background in dance, I however didn't have as deep as a background in dance, making Andy similar to me in that respect. I do like to try things and work at it until I get better and that is something Andy and I have very much in common.

-Tell us about filming Camp Rock...highlights.
Filming Camp Rock was as fun to do as it was to watch. Everyone was fun to work with and even more fun to joke around with. We were a great team and since we were all so close it gave a camp feeling to the whole thing. Some of the highlights were just hanging out and jamming on our down time. Everyone was really talented, which made hanging out and showing what they do a lot of fun.

-How was the Camp Rock Premier? The entire cast was there as well as some cool was that watching it all together?
The Camp Rock Premiere was amazing, I never expected anything close to what happened. I thought it was going to be the cast a few fans and some media. I had no idea how many people were there all supporting the movie and since I have never been to a premiere before, the whole thing was overwhelming. It was also the first time I watched the movie and being able to watch it with all of the people I worked on it with was amazing.

-Most memorable moment on set?
The most memorable moment on set was during final jam. When we were filming "We Rock" and all of the background was there the lights and sounds all together gave me a feeling of being involved in something big. I felt incredibly honoured to have this opportunity.

-How was it working with The Jonas'?
The Jonas Brothers are great, all of them are unique individuals that come together as a family and are all really talented. I realized the family part right in the beginning when they came to the first rehearsal with there mom and dad and later with their little brother, you really see the family aspect of it. I saw their talent one evening when we were all jamming out and they began to play and sing on the piano latter they said they wrote the song and that's when I realized just how talented they were.

-Who are some of your influences?
Daniel Day Lewis, Ray Charles, Marvin Gaye, Usher and anyone who has made an impact in entertainment. It is difficult to master singing and acting, to do something outstanding is a great achievement.

-What are some of your career goals?
At this point my career goal is to make a career out of what I love, after that point will I think about where I can go in my career.

-Are you still part of SGS?
Unfortunately, no.

-Do you have any upcoming projects in the works?
I'm currently working in the studio recording my own music check out my MySpace for new songs.

-For someone trying to get into the acting/signing business what advice to you have?
For someone trying to get into the acting/singing business I say training, training, and more training. There is now such thing as your best there is only how good you can and should be. The business is also heavily dependant upon chance but the more prepared you are for what comes the better chance you have of succeeding.

-Message for your fans.
Thanks too everyone for their continual support you have exceeded my expectations in how much you are there for me. I feel honoured by you being there and it keeps me going because I do this for you.

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