David Ryan Interview

August 2008

Property of Put Me In The Picture Promotions (Please do not take/use without permission)




Introduce yourself and tell us a bit about yourself
*Yo it's your boy David Ryan, I'm 18 and a singer and I'm really glad to be
here with Put Me In The Picture Promotions!

What made you want to be a singer?
*I've known I wanted to be a singer ever since I can remember. It's kind of
unexplainable I guess, I was just born to do this. I've been at this for a
long time and there is nothin' like performing. It's just this
unexplainable feeling. It brings people together. I'm just extremely
thankful to God for giving me this gift and allowing me to have had the
opportunities I've had up to this point.

Since 8 you've been pursing your dream...are you happy with the way things are progressing?
*I'm extremely happy with where I'm at right now! It's not easy and
sometimes it can feel extremely slow...but you've got to be patient! I'm
always seeing what needs to happen next and what I gotta do to continue to
further myself. There are a lot of ups and downs. It's a very tough
industry, but I wouldn't want to be apart of any other!

You're currently working with Roy Hamilton, tell us a bit about that.
*Roy is the sickest producer out there, and I'm so glad I was able to work
with him on my music! I learned a lot while working with him and hope to
continue to work with him in the future! He's got tremendous talent and
knowledge of the business. I really respect him and his brother who I also
worked with while in the studio!

When can we expect an album to be released?
*To be really honest, I'm currently still in the demo process. Just
writing, demoing and recording music! So hopefully in the near future!
That's what I'm working towards.

What can we expect out of David Ryan for the remainder of the year?
*This business is so unpredictable, I'm not really sure! Hopefully more
music, performances, and with god's blessing - a record deal.

What is one thing you want to accomplish in your career in the music

*Winning a Grammy would pretty much be a dream come true. I also want to
write for other artists.

Is there anyone that you'd really enjoy the opportunity to work with?
*Well I've been really lucky because working with Roy "Royalty" Hamilton up
until now has been a dream in itself. I would also love to work with TANK
and THE CLUTCH. TANK is such a great singer and writer. THE CLUTCH are
probably the hottest producers out there, so that would be unreal to work
with them.

Was "I could be the one" written about someone in particular? if so is it a story you mind sharing? It's a great song!
*"I Could Be The One" is actually my favorite song I've recorded! You know,
to be honest when I wrote it I did have a certain girl on my mind...but I've
gone through this type of thing before. Pretty much what I talk about in
the song is what was going on.

The cool thing is anyone can relate to this song, I'm sure of it. We all go
through this type of thing.

It sucks when the girl you like is with another guy...especially when the
guy is a jerk...but there's really nothing you can do. The idea of the song
is pretty much when you finally decide to tell the girl what you've been
thinking because you can't hold back anymore. You're just letting her know
whats up.

Who has been your biggest inspirtation through this whole journey?
*Personally I'm inspired by my parents, both are incredibly hard workers and
have sacrificed a great deal for me. Musically I'm inspired by TRUE
singers. I'm inspired by artists who can actually sing!!

Fun Stuff

What do you like to do in your free time?
*Just spending time with my friends and family. I love going to the
beach...especially since it's summer. I just do regular stuff. I love when
I have my friends around because we always manage to have a good time.

Where do you like to shop?

Favorite Band/Artist?
*I listen to mostly urban, r&b, and soul music. Some of my favorites are
Ne-Yo, Chris Brown, Mariah, and Boyz II Men.

One thing you're addicted to?
*Chocolate Chip Cookies

One thing you can not live with out?
*Hm..I'd have to say MUSIC. Haha.

Message to you fans!
*Thanks for showin so much love for my music!! Ya'll are the greatest.
STICK WITH ME! Feel free to send me messages, I love hearing from all of

Put Me In The Picture Promotions