Chelsea Staub Interview

March 2008

*Introduce yourself
Hi! I’m Chelsea Staub! I played "Meredith" in the Bratz movie, "Stephanie" in Disney’s "Minutemen" and this fall you will be able to see me as "Stella" in the new J. O. N. A. S. series.

*How did you get your start? Did you always want to be in the industry?
I started out doing youth theater in Arizona. I had so much fun and just kept doing shows. When I was about nine, they were holding auditions for the national Broadway tour of "Showboat" in my city and I wanted to try out... and I got the part! I loved every minute of it and when I realized you could also get paid to have that much fun, I decided that was what I wanted to do as a career! I started taking it more seriously and got a local agent and began doing commercials and radio voice-overs as well.

*How did you feel when you made that trip out to LA to audition and landed a role on a TV Series?
I was very lucky. When I was 15, I talked my parents into bringing me to LA during my fall break from school to interview with some agents. While I was here, one of the agents sent me on an audition and I ended up booking a small guest star role. I was sooo excited and I came back out to do the job and basically never left!

*What do you like more-Acting or Singing?
Acting. I love musicals and I love to sing when my role calls for it, but I don’t consider myself a singer.

*As for your singing career, you were featured on the BRATZ movie soundtrack, are you working on your own solo debut?
No plans for a solo album. I have had offers, but there are so many amazingly talented singers out there... I just think I’ll stay focused on the acting part.

*This is going back a few years, what was it like working with the well known
singer/actor Jesse McCartney in his series Summerland?
Amazing. It was one of my first jobs and my first kissing scene ever. When I heard I had to kiss Jesse McCartney, I was so nervous... but he was very sweet and it was a great day.

*Since Summerland you landed roles in Wizards of Waverly Place, the Bratz movie, Disney original movie Minutemen and the upcoming Disney Channel original series J. O. N. A. S, what has it been like having the opportunities to do these amazing projects?
2007 was an unbelievable year for me. I filmed Bratz in February and March, did the press tour, shot an episode of "Wizards of Waverly Place, shot the pilot of J. O. N. A. S. in June for a couple of weeks, did the premiere for Bratz, then headed to Utah to shoot "Minutemen. " I am so grateful to Sean McNamara (the director of Bratz) for taking a chance on me for such a huge role... and also to Disney... they have been VERY good to me!

*Tell us about filming Minutemen, you played Stephanie Jameson, are you anything like this character? And what was it like working along side Jason Dolley?
I’m definitely more like "Stephanie" than "Meredith... " at least I hope so anyway... haha! I like for everyone to get along and I was also on my school’s pom and cheer team. Jason was amazing to work with. He’s such a nice guy and very bright and talented. He’s a great actor. We all had a blast on that film.

*J. O. N. A. S is one of the next upcoming series on Disney and this features The Jonas Brothers, (with what little got to be done due to the writers strike) what was it like for you getting the opportunity to work with Kevin, Nick and Joe? Do you have any funny moments to share with the readers on anything that happened onset?
J. O. N. A. S. was so much fun. We worked together for a couple of weeks and had a great time getting to know each other. The boys are such gentlemen, but also very funny. We had a hard time keeping a straight face in some of the scenes ’cause Joe was always doing something to try and crack us up. Our poor director... he had to do a lot of retakes!

*Do you have any upcoming projects that your fans can be on the look out for?
I’ll be participating in the Disney Channel Games in Florida next month! And watch for ’Kari Langsdorf’ in "Wizards of Waverly Place"... I play a REALLY dumb blonde that David Henrie’s character has a crush on.

*Message for your fans?
Thank you so much for all your support! It means a lot to me! Without you guys writing to fan magazines, renting DVD’s, buying movie tickets and CD’s, watching tv... we’re nothing!! You’re the best!! xoxoxo’s

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