Austin Anderson Interview

August 2008

Property of Put Me In The Picture Promotions (Please do not take/use without permission)  





*Introduce yourself
Hey what's up? I'm Austin Anderson. Aka "AA". I am a 14 year old singer, songwriter, actor and dancer from Southern California.
*When did you realize you wanted to be a singer?
When I was in my fisrt karaoke conttest at the beach when I was 10. I was really scared but as soon as I got up on that stage and felt the music I was hooked!
*Who are your influences?
Well all tyoes of music influence me in some way but my main influences are definately Justin Timberlake, Chris Brown, Michael Jackson, Jesse McCartney and Neyo.
*What was it like performing at the Young Artist Awards?
Amazing! That was the first time I walked the red carpet and I was so nervous! The show was great. Funny thing is I don't get nervous on stage. The crowd was great, I hope to be able to do it agian next year with my new music.
*Do you have a moment in your career that stands out the most?
Well that's tough. It's a tie between being on the Ellen Degeneres Show and actually having to sign the papers to be with my awesome managers. I was like "wow, this must for for real if I am signing it!". Those are 2 days that were awesome.
*Who would you like to tour with?
Justin Timberlake, hands down!
*What is one of your biggest career goals?
To travel all over the world and bring my music to everyone. I want to learn things about every city I visit.
*What do you like to do in your spare time?
Ride roller coasters, hang out with my brothers, play guitar hero, skateboard and surf.
*What was it like being on the Ellen DeGeneres show?
Awesome! It's one of those days I will NEVER forget. She is so funny and was so nice to me. I consider myself very lucky to have had that awesome opportunity!
*You were just featured as an incubator artist, how was that for you knowing that Radio Disney is huge?
Yea that still kind of freaks me out when I look on the Disney site and see myself up on there. I mean all the big superstars like Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers are on there. They all started out just like me. I hope to be touring like they are some day soon and maybe even have my own tv show.
*Message for your fans?
Ok the word "fan" is still really kinda new to me. I am a fan myself.  I just think it's cool that people write me and listen to my music. I get back to every single email even though it might take a while. All I can say is if you like what you see and hear hold on to your seats cause the best is yet to come! I just finished writing a new song and I hope you guys can hear it soon.

Put Me In The Picture Promotions